Media News & Press Releases
The ‘Electrochemical Forests’ project win the CEI Mare Nostrum 37/38 competition
The CEI Mare Nostrum 37/38 competition for Feasibility and Market Studies of business projects from the UPCT university community has selected the initiatives ‘Green Cap Technologies’, by PhD student Mario Ramos, and ‘Not Entry Water’, by three students from the School of Industrial Engineering, to receive as a prize a market study carried out by the consultancy Viromii, specialising in corroborating the viability of business ideas.
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Public funds awarded to Green Cap Technologies
The innovation and research project ‘Neoelectrochemistry in FP’ presented by the team formed by the Juan Carlos I and Andrés de Valdevira public centers and Green Cap Technologies has been selected by the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports through its resolution issued on June 26, 2024.
The aforementioned public centers will participate in the experimentation of these innovative technologies that significantly improve the offer of solutions necessary for the decarbonization of the industry, for the storage and transportation of energy, and for fuel applications for mobility. These technologies are based on intelligent waste management through processes that help regulate the CO2 cycle in nature, and that can provide significant advances to achieve the desired circular economy.
Thanks to both centers for trusting GCT to help carry out their innovation and research programs!
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Green Cap Technologies obtains the Startup stamp from the National Innovation Company of Spain, ENISA, which certifies it as an emerging company with an innovative and scalable nature.
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UPCT Awards
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See echo published in the Diario de Murcia: